Jafar iqbal Books

বনবালিকা জাফর ইকবাল pdf download – Bonbalika Zafar Iqbal PDF

বই: বনবালিকা pdf
লেখক: মুহাম্মদ জাফর ইকবাল
প্রথম প্রকাশ: ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২১
প্রকাশনা: তাম্রলিপি
পৃষ্ঠা: ১৬০
মুদ্রিত মূল্য: ৩০০
প্রচ্ছদ: আরাফাত করিম



Mitul, a six-year-old girl, and her mother Rachel live in a house next to the forest. Mitul has an amazing ability. And that is why Rachel reads the oath to Mitul every day. So that Mitul does not let others understand. Mitul’s father has been in jail for six years in a false case. This extra caution may be because the husband does not want to lose the daughter. Readers will find out whether it is Mitul’s ability or not.
All the animals and birds of nature are Mitul’s best friends.
Suddenly one day Mitul’s unusual friendship and wonderful power came to an end in his life. He was caught in the eyes of the clever man of the area. Mitul’s amazing ability will make a man own a lot of money in an instant. People went crazy with greed. On the way back from school, he was forcibly taken away. Mitul will be sent to America!
Little Mitul escaped from the man and went to the Sundarbans. In his real home. Not all animals and birds are your own. But going there does not save the end. He was noticed by two foreign researchers. Mitul’s tiger friend Buggu stays with them. Taking the opportunity, they were shot with a tranquilizer. What will happen to them now? And what is the wonderful ability to tie so many stories? How was the power of Mitul revealed? Who is the man who wanted to send Mitul to America? Rahela is almost mad after losing Mitul. Will Mitul get back? How will Mitul’s father’s case end?
To know the answer to all these questions, one has to read the book “Banbalika” by Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Sir.
Welcome to the perilous journey of Mitul, a terribly beautiful little girl, on the hard and cruel reality.
Lesson Response-
I think this is a perfect book for school and college students. Those who love nature will be fascinated in one word. Sir Tao has also made sacrifices in the name of nature lovers. And I like the cover.

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